Have you ever experienced pain around your hips or an ache deep in your low back that you can’t quite seem to massage or stretch it out? Sometimes, it seems nothing can stop the pain.
The discomfort you are feeling could be coming from tension deep within your iliopsoas muscles, your hip flexors or even your quadrum lumbratis. Where are those things anyway?
Since all these muscle groups live deep within your skeletal makeup, how can you get rid of this pain with just a topical cream?
Research on pain and how we perceive it is never ending. Science has been delivering theories about pain for centuries. We know for sure that pain has a path from the source to the brain.
We decided if you can head that pain off at the pass, it won’t make it to the brain.
The benefits of CBD enables you to maintain homeostasis (balance) in your body while you work through the issues in your tissues.
When the pain lies deep within, use this easy to understand ACCESS POINT MAP or SCHEDULE YOUR VIRTUAL CONSULTATION to identify YOUR pain path TODAY!
Brachial Plex below collar bone at center of bone deep in traps
Access Point For – Nerve intersection from brain to arms
Pain or Condition – Tingling/numbness in arm or hand, pain when reach back, front of shoulder
Clavicle articulation of the SCM collarbone near throat
Access Point For – Breathing muscles, neck muscles, range of motion in neck
Pain or Condition – Headache, turning neck, difficulty breathing, tooth/mouth pain.
Top head at soft spot
Access Point For – Muscles and blood circulation around the skull
Pain or Condition -congested sinus, headaches, stress, brain fog, confusion
Temples & above ears
Access Point For – Muscles on the side of your head, around your ears and talking/biting muscles, increase oxygen flow/blood flow
Pain or Condition – Headache, confusion, brain fog, memory,
Back of Skull (Masseter and Occipital)
Access Point For -Neck, jaw, movement of head from side to side
Pain or Condition – Headache, neck pain, ear ache, back tooth pain, tmj pain, teeth grinding, neck pain and stiffness, fatigue
Sternum (second rib) articulation spot for SCM group at collar bone
Access Point For – Neck muscles and breathing muscles
Pain or Condition – Headache, shoulder ache, pain in neck and head when turning head, pain when reaching up
Serratus Anterior – bottom of shoulder blade reached with opposite hand under other arm
Access Point For – Whole shoulder and upper back. The “boxer muscle”, rhomboid, & lats
Pain or Condition – pain when reaching forward, reduced strength in forward movements or holding something at a distance
Forearm near bend of elbow – Outer and inner
Access Point For – Radial and Ulnar nerves, forearm muscles, your hand muscles and nerves leading to your fingers and thumb
Pain or Condition – numbness/tingling, wrist, hand, tingling/ numbness within your pinky finger, ring finger, numbness/tingling in forearm, pain in forearm and thumb
Center of forearm front and back (Medial Nerve mirrors on backside of arm)
Affects – middle finger, hand, wrist
Pain or Condition – numbness/tingling in palm, finger, wrist muscles tight, tingly or numb, Carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, pain in your middle finger or palm of his hand
Top of shoulder blade & Traps (shoulder blade) between your neck and shoulder
Access Point For – Neck muscles, shoulder muscles, upper back muscles
Pain or Condition – pain when reaching or moving arm backward, pain when turning
head to the side of pain, reduced range of motion at neck.
Acromion process, front, back and top of shoulder
Access Point For – Muscles in neck, upper back and down the arm into hand
Pain or Condition – Shoulder pain, top of shoulder/trap pain, pain when reaching back or forward, pain within shoulder, pain when bending arm at elbow, tight bicep and forearms, sore hands, reduced range of motion at shoulder
Tricep at funny bone – forearm, bicep, hand, front of shoulder
Affects – Forearm, Front of arm, shoulder
Pain or Condition – Tennis Elbow condition, numbness/tingling down arm, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, pain when you bend your arm forward pain in your bicep, pain in the front of your shoulder
Back of arm above elbow
Access Point For – Nerves in arm and hand
Pain or Condition – Carpal tunnel pain, numbness/tingling down the arm
Bend of hip and inner thigh (Hip flexor & groin area)
Access Point For – lower back, quads, hip flexors, hips, knee, glutes, walking
Pain or condition – Pain when raising knee to go up steps, pain in knees when sitting
Access Point For – Thigh muscles, walking, knees, hips quads
Pain or Condition – Pain when stepping down steps, knee pain, upper leg and hip pain
Bottom of the last rib to the top of the hip bone ( Quadratus Lumborum)
Access Point For – Back, low back, erector, lung expansion, 15-20% degree turn from side to side
Pain or Condition – Low back pain, tension and tightness felt along belt line, pain when bending over, pain when breathing, pain in hips
Anterior Tib Muscle (near shin)
Access Point For – foot, lifts toes up, stabilizes knee, aligns ankles, runs along shin
Pain or Condition – Shin splints, pain in shin, Plantar fasciitis, foot pain, heel pain, sciatica, sciatic pain issues
Anterior Tib Muscle Near Ankle
Access Point For – foot, lifts toes up, stabilizes knee, aligns ankles, runs along shin
Pain or Condition – Shin splints, pain in shin, Plantar fasciitis, foot pain, heel pain, sciatica, sciatic pain issues
Access Point For – Foot, Knee, ankles, shin, legs, walking
Pain or Condition – Plantar fasciitis, foot pain, heel pain, sciatica, sciatic pain issues,