

Get relief in your pain area.

Infused ReLeaf™: CBD Cream for Skin and Pain Relief

STEP 1 – Click On Your Pain Area

Head and Neck

Chest, Upper Back,
Shoulders and Arms

Lower Back, Hips and Quads

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Knees and Feet

Physical: Head, Stress, Headaches at the top of head

Emotions: Perhaps you suffer with confusion, lack of clarity, or maybe you deal with procrastination. When you hear a tragic story you probably place your hand on your head.

Physical: Vision, Frontal Headaches, Vision issues

Emotions: Intuition, Questioning your “knowing”, “Heady”. When you hear a tragic story you probably place your hand over your eyes.

Physical: Head, Stress, Headaches at the top of head

Emotions: Perhaps you suffer with confusion, lack of clarity, or maybe you deal with procrastination. When you hear a tragic story you probably place your hand on your head.

Physical: Heart, Chest, Arms, Shoulders

Emotion: You feel what others feel. You may cry easily when someone else hurts. When you hear a tragic story, you place your hand on your heart

Physical: Head, Stress, Headaches at the top of head

Emotions: Perhaps you suffer with confusion, lack of clarity, or maybe you deal with procrastination. When you hear a tragic story you probably place your hand on your head.

Physical: Head, Stress, Headaches at the top of head

Emotions: Perhaps you suffer with confusion, lack of clarity, or maybe you deal with procrastination. When you hear a tragic story you probably place your hand on your head.

Physical: Head, Stress, Headaches at the top of head

Emotions: Perhaps you suffer with confusion, lack of clarity, or maybe you deal with procrastination. When you hear a tragic story you probably place your hand on your head.